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Clanheart Creature Designs

A small compilation of the creature designs I made for Clanheart. 3 Alternative sketch designs for each creature were done from which the user base had the opportunity to choose their favourite and then I worked further on the winning design.

These were done in an unusual way due to the website's interactive layered options. They have a highlight, shadow, base and extra layers on each one of these and can be mixed with the marking mutations that will be electable on the website's interactive game.

Wolf Alpha Colour Example

Wolf Alpha Colour Example

Phoenix Alpha and Baby - No highlights or shadows

Phoenix Alpha and Baby - No highlights or shadows

Cat Alpha and Cat Shaman with Dynamic part visible. Grey base colour, coloured highlights and shadows.

Cat Alpha and Cat Shaman with Dynamic part visible. Grey base colour, coloured highlights and shadows.

Kitsune Variation Compilation White Base with coloured highlights & Shadows

Kitsune Variation Compilation White Base with coloured highlights & Shadows

Orca Alpha Grey and dynamic part on.

Orca Alpha Grey and dynamic part on.

Horse Shaman Layers and Colour Examples

Horse Shaman Layers and Colour Examples

Clanheart: Cat Lineart Work in progress

Clanheart : Phoenix Shading Walthrough Part 1